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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why can't the "Help Desk" Give You Help?

I have several blogs offered on the Kindle. Whenever you publsih a blog, you have to upload a screencap - a picture of the screen, and a masthead - a title for the blog, as well.

Now, about half the time, when the blog is eventually published, the screencap and the masthead don't show up.

Questions on this had been asked at the Kindle Blog Publishing Help Boards, and we were told by someone there to send the images to a certain email address, and he (or someone at that email address) would upload them.

So, following that instruction, I sent the screencap and masthead for one blog to them, to see if it would work. The screencap was a PNG, the masthead a JPG. (They should have both been PNGs or JPGs, but for some reason I did one each.)

Anyway, just got back an email from the person who'd been handling my issue. This was his response:

On researching further, I see that the images were rejected as they did not meet the specifications.
Please make sure that your screenshot image follows the specifications listed in the URL given below:

Please make sure that your banner image follows the specifications listed in the URL given below:

Okay, he's the help desk, and he's supposedly just researched my specific problem. So he must know *why* my images didn't meet specifications, why not just *tell me why* instead of making me go read these instructions which are probably two pages long and somewhere, buried in all the verbiage, is what I need to know.

This is a tendency of "help desks" and people who are supposed to help you that I've noticed more than once. They *know* the answer, but instead of saving you time and telling you what you need to know, they say, "Go read the answer here. " SO then you've got to waste twn to twenty minutes reading some manual, usually poorly written so you can't even find what you're looking for even though you've been told it's there.

I'm not going to bother to read the specifications, I think I do know the problem. Sometimes I've uploaded PNGs as opposed to JPGs, and I think the system doesn't like PNGs. But if that's the case, the images should be rejected right away, not uploaded, and shown on the screen, as if they were going to work! And you only find out they don't work when the blog is published and you find out they aren't there.

However, the last time I uploaded a blog, the PNG images were actually rejected, so it looks like they've got that problem fixed.

Well...we'll find out. ; )

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