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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blog Publishing: Now Available in the UK

I got an email a few days telling me that I could now offer my ebooks at Amazon's UK website...and that my blogs would be available also.

The blogs became available 2 days ago, on August 6.

So, I just checked the numbers today, August 8, and 2 of my blogs are already doing quite well, in the 3,000 sale range. The numbers aren't connected to the American numbers, they stand on their own.

So, the numbers for UK blog sales won't show up in the July report, which I hope will be sent to me on Aug 10. So that'll give me 30 more days to wait until I find out how much money I'll be earning from the UK. The costs are the same, 1.99 and 99, but that is pounds and pence, not dollars. So the income should be a third higher, 39 cents instead of 30 cents, 90 cents instead of 60 cents.

Of course, since the UK blog store has just opened, the sales numbers might not necessarily be as rosy as they appear. The numbers are probably coming from a much smaller sample size.

Interestingly, the Rush Limbaugh blog hasn't sold yet, but my blog review blog is doing very well,as is one of my fiction blogs.

So, I'm quite pleased....

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