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Friday, August 13, 2010

Bye bye, under-producers

I've got a lot of blogs, only 3 of which sell very well, the rest of which, some 5 or 6, sell not at all. One, two, three, four subscriptions at most for each one.

Up until a couple of days ago, I had persevered with these blogs. If someone had done me the honor to subscribe to one of my blogs, I owed it to them to keep writing in it.

But I finally decided that I just didn't have time, to put in the amount of work needed to update these blogs, when they weren't bringing me any income.

So I bit the bullet. Two days ago I posted I was removing the blogs from Kindle - just to let my Kindle readers know in advance that that woudl happen, and the next day I removed the blogs from the system.

I certainly enjoyed writing the blogs, even if only 4 people were reading them, but I had to make myself realize that my time was better spent working on the 3 blogs that were selling well, to ensure that they would continue to sell well.

Each of these three blogs requires a lot of work in themselves, so it only made sense.

Now, I have the time to work on the book I'm writing, which I hope to publish next week, so that I can finally start giving book publishing tips here instead of just blog publishing tips!

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