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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kindle Blog Report For July has now arrived

and I am extremely disappointed, and a bit irritated, with the news it tells me.

I doubled my earnings for this month, but that is no big deal. Still less than $100, and I was expecting much more than that.

THe report gives you two pieces of info for each blog

Trial subscriptions
Active subscriptions.
A subset of the active subscriptions is how many people unsubscribed.

I had assumed that the trial subscriptions number were actual subscriptions of people who were still subscribed, but just hadn't gotten past that 14 day mark.

But that can't be possible. What it must mean, are that those are the amount of people who subscribed to the blog in one month, and unsubscribed during the two week trial period.

I say this because I was watching the "daily" report very closely, and for the 23 days that my Rush Limbaugh Report was available for subscription in July, I was getting subscriptions every day, and the report didn't show that anyone was unsubscribing. All the numbers were always going up, never down.

Come to see this report, and I had 7 active subscriptions, 73 trial subscriptions, and no unsubscriptions. There is no way that can be unless those 73 trial subscriptions weren't recorded as unscribers in the daily reports.

So, I am disappointed, not only by the lack of money I earned but also because I've just discovered that most of the people who subscribe to that blog over the last month and a half unsubscribe before their 2 weeks are up. And I just find out about it now.

So I'm not happy.

Still, it's income, so I've got to persevere. Thank god at any rate that I now earn 60 cents per subscription instead of 30 cents (although my blog review blog is still at 30 cents) because this wouldn't even be worth it if I was only makign 30 cents per subscription.

Disappointed, unhappy.

Guess I better go have a Dairy Queen.

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