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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Apologies For Sporadic Postings

Up until a week or so ago, I thought I was moving from York County, VA to Cheyenne Wyoming sometime next year. I found out a week ago that the schedule has been speeded up, and I'll be moving within the next two months. And since I've got five rooms, each one filled to the rim with books, I'm doing my packing now to get it out of the way.

I'm a bit obsessive compulsive that way. Now that I'm supposed to be packing, I have to devote all my energy to it, which doesn't leave enough energy for my real work - which is of course these blogs - and my publishing soon-to-be-empire.

I should be done packing in another few days, and then I can get back to work on this blog.

So, please hang in there!

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