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Monday, August 23, 2010

"Daily" report is the report to watch

A few weeks ago I said, "Don't pay attention to the daily report. It's two months behind the times."

Of course I was very wrong. It is the daily report that tells you what you need to know, even if it isn't all that daily.

When I received my monthly report for July, a couple of days ago, I learned the sorry truth. My fiction blog, that in the report for the month of June had shown 20 past-two week subscribers and 128 free subscriptions, actually did not mean that I had 128 more subscribers who were just waiting to be folded over into my past-two week number. It meant that of the 148 people who had subscribed to my blog during the month of June, 120 had subscribed before their 2 week trial period was up.

So that was pretty heart breaking. I was watching the "sales rank" on the Amazon page, which was always active and always between 2,000 to 4,000, and of course that turned out to be meaningless. Sure, people were subscribing, but they were then unsubscribing at about the same rate.

So, at the end of looking at my report for July, I learned that the daily report actually had the numbers correct.

So there again, even though sometimes that report is updated daily and sometimes it takes a week or more before it updates, that's the report to watch because that will tell you how much money you're going to make at the end of the month.

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