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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Frustration just mounts and mounts

Well, the "daily" blog report has not been updated for 20 days now.

I am so.... well...angry is the only word to describe it!

I'm an Amazon associate. And my info there is updated on a daily basis.

And yet they can't update the Kindle purchases/unsubscriptions on a daily basis? That's ridiculous!

Yes, on one hand I shouldn't grumble. They dont need to offer this service at all, and I wouldn't be making any money if they didn't, since no one reads my blogs "on the outside", they only read them on the Kindle.

But having said that, it is ridiculous that you can't get a report updated in over 20 days!

People have complained about this on the Official Kindle boards, with no results to date.

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