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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Trying to Get Ahead of the Game

When you're trying to make you're living as a writer...particularly as a writer of Kindle blogs and books, you've got to do everything you can to get ahead of the game.

I have 31 blogs - of which 23 have less than 10 subscriptions. Now, when my blogs cost $1.99, it was worth it to keep them going, even if I had 1 to 9 subscirptions. Those 60 cents per subscription added up.

Then of course a couple of months ago now Amazon decided to arbitrarily drop all the prices of my blogs from $1.99 to 99 cents, and that was a bit of a blow. Took me severalweeks to recover, frankly, as I'd just seen my income, which was starting to look quite promising, chopped in half.

Nevertheless, 30 cents also helps, which is why I'm still doing all my blogs even though most of them don't seem to be worth it.

The reason I'm continuing these blogs is because they serve multiple purposes. I'm an annotator of books, and most of my blogs deal with history or the sciences, and the information I learn in researching blog posts can also be used for my annotations.

I do experiment with a few blogs, and if they don't prove popular I remove them quickly - I tried a football and a golf blog, and neither one took off. I thought a ghost hunting blog might be popular, but that isn't going anywhere, either.

I also thought that, with the popularity of Sarah Palin, that blog would be popular, but that subscription base remains steady at about 15. So I maintain it, even though it's very disappointing. 15 subscribers a month = $4.50 a month. Not much, but enough to go on with.

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:
Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
Rush Limbaugh Report

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