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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I think I've cracked it this time...

Uploaded my Annotated Whose Body by Dorothy Sayers and its been available for sale for 2 weeks now. Had 3 purchases in the last reporting period, 10 so far this month.

That's by far and away the best I've ever had any of my offerings do (which has been pretty damn disappointing, I can tell you.)

Of course there's one problem. I'm only charging 99 cents for the book, so even if I sell 365 copies a year, that will only earn me a 35 cent royalty on each book, so $127.35 per year.

That's because the book itself is in the public domain, there are already 6 copies available on the Kindle, and they're also only 99 cents. Although my book is worth more, because t's annotated, I didn't dare charge more.

I'm currently annotating another public domain mystery, which I hope to have up for sale in another couple of weeks.

So what have I cracked? Well, quantity. There are a few classic mysteries in public domain, I shall annotate each and every one, and charge only 99 cents for the result. I won't make a fortune off them, but at least I'll make a steady income.

And get my name known as an annotator.

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