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Friday, March 18, 2011

KIndle Blog Reports

The monthly blog reports for February are out. I was pleased to see that once again I'll get almost $300.

(Not as pleased as I would be if I'd be getting $600, which I would if they hadn't reduced my blog prices arbitrarily from $1.99 to .99, but I suppose I've beat that dead horse enough.)

It was just interesting to see, though, how many blog subscriptons I'm being credited with for February, as opposed to how many blog subs my daily report tells me I have. My Limbaugh blog, for example, as I told you a week or so ago, had jumped up - on the daily repot - in the space of a day from 500 subs to 1,000 subs, without benefit of intervening trial subscritpons.

I doubt if I had 500 subs in the course of 15 days from the end of Feb to Mar 15...I must always have had most of those subs during Feb as well, and probably Jan, too.

But, so I'm getting credit for them for March, presumably. I look forward to seeing just how many subs I'll be credited with in the next monthly report.

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Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
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