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Monday, March 21, 2011

Do Not Make This Mistake In Your Marketing!

I read the FilmScore Monthly message boards on a regular basis. (http://filmscoremonthly.com/board/threads.cfm?forumID=1)

In addition to talk on film scores, people "in the business" post their new sound track releases.

One such individual is the producer of soundtracks and cast albums, called Kritzerland. Normally when he makes an advertising post on the board (or indeed, when anyone does) he references the name of the movie or show, or at the very least the name of the composer. He makes his post early, and by even 3 hours later, there are a dozen people saying, "Gonna order this," and so on.

Today, his post title was "New Kritzerland to Give Your Wallet a Rest"

The rest of the post was an advertisement for the new CD release.

There were only a handful of replies, each one puzzled at the title. "What a lousy way to promote a title!" was the gist.

Kritzerland has just responded, saying that the post title was a joke - since most people on the boards buy soundtracks rather than cast albums. Still seems kind of stupid, the more so because on his blog (which I also read, for my sins, as he's a 60 year old, straight man who writes in the most pretentious way possible) he said that this title really had to do well.

It's not going to do well from the FSM board, and he seems to have deliberately gone out of his way to assure that by using the most bland and un-eye-catching title imaginable.

(Kritzerland being an old hand at this, I think he's moving to repair the damage. He'll be emailing various of his friends on the board, asking them to make posts on a regular basis to ensure that the thread stays at the top of the message board, as indeed, it had been in danger of disappearing off the front page of the message board because no one was interested in it - thanks to the post title.

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