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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amazon's Kindle Blog Report Has Been Delivered

It's here about 5 days earlier than I expected. I doubled my income, which was nice, but it wasn't as much as I'd hoped for, so I'm still disappointed. Well, that's human nature.

The infuriating thing is that this report should not have come as a surprise. But it's been about 3 weeks - 21 days - since the daily Kindle blog report was updated.

Another irritating thing is that for at least a month, the UK has been offering our blogs - and yet we have not been told where to go to see our reports, or to find out how much we're earning. It's extremely irritating!

Can you tell I'm irritated?

As I've shared here before, I'm an Amazon Associate, and that report is updated daily. My Desktop Publishing report is also updated daily!!! So why is the Kindle Blog report not only not updated daily, but not updated for 3 bloody weeks!

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