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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shock! Daily Report Updated!

For three days in a row now, the daily blog report has been updated. This after a period of at least 20 days, when it was not updated.

The time of the report's updating also seems to have changed. It used to be updated by 11 am eastern time... then it was more like 11.30 eastern time. For the last three days, it has updated at about 12:30 pm.

Of course, the time of the update is a moot point - it's that it is updated daily that is the important thing.

UK Blog Report
I emailed the help desk requesting that the UK subs and US subs be separated out. I don't know that this will ever happen, but it still seems so ridiculous to me that it doesn't happen. It's only common sense that we bloggers would want to know how many subs we have from each country. Especially since the UK pound is worth more than the American dollar, so we should see more money from them.

I am very interested to see my next "Remittance Advice" - or email that tells me money has been put into my checking account, and how much. I am hoping that the note that comes with that email will separate out the two sums of money, so we can get some idea that way.

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