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Friday, September 17, 2010

Short-lived joy / News on blogs published in UK

One day after the "daily report" updated - for the first time in 30 days, it doesn't update again.

Certainly makes it tough for people to know whether a blog is worth continuing or not, or, even if the blog is worth continuing, whether a certain "campaing" or "story line" is worth continuing. Without prompt feedback it is very hard to know what to do!

UK Blogs
Our blogs are available for subscription on the UK Amazon site. And two of my blogs are doing relatively well over there.

But I don't know how many actual subscriptions I have, and apparently Amazon/Kindle doesn't think I need to know! I emailed their help desk directly to ask this question, and was told that there were no separate reports - that the numbers on my "daily" report reflected both American and UK subscriptions.

Moreoever, if I receive my payment by check - I'd be receiving two checks, one made out in dollars for US subs, and one made out in pounds for UK subs. (Okay, I suppose that would be a way of knowing how many subscriptions are actually from the UK, but it's ridiculous). More ridiculous is the fact that they can't send peope a check made out in pounds sterling - at least, they'd better not - because a person's bank would charge the person a fee for converting that money into dollars. Unless they want to use that as a ploy to force more people to use the direct deposit option (which is what I use, anyway.)

So, I guess I'll wait to pass judgement until I get my "remittance advice" for this month, and see if the payment there is separated out into dollars and pounds converted into dollars. The reason I find this annoying is that the pound is worth more than the dollar, so I should be making more money from British subs than American ones. Unless Amazon intends to skim off that extra money as a fee for converting pounds to dollars...

We shall see!

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