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Friday, September 24, 2010

Book publishing on the Kindle

As I posted several weeks ago, I've been putting together the public domain schedules of the President, Vice President, and the Secs of Defense, State and Treasury, and publishing them for a mere 99 cents on the Kindle.

To date - no purchases.

Pretty disappointing.

But, that's the joy of publishing on the Kindle - at least I didn't have to print hundreds of pamphlets, at the cost of bookoo dollars, only to see them lay on the shelves for years and years.

I'll continue to compile these pamphlets throughout December. If I get no takers by then, I'll give it up for good.

I've got lots of other pamphlets/books in the idea hopper, but I won't have time to work on them until probably November, as I'm about to move cross-country, and that's turning out to be an incredible hassle, and I haven't even started the drive yet.


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