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Friday, September 24, 2010

Daily Blog Report for the Kindle

For the fourth straight day, the daily report that shows how many subs you have for each of your blogs, has been updated.

The time has changed - it used to be updated at about 11.30, now it seems to be at 1 to 2 pm. But regardless of the time, the fact that it is updated daily is the important thing.

And of course, that's what makes it so frustrating. (I know I harp on this.) We will get daily updates for a week, maybe two....then it will drop off the grid for a week or two or more. And it just doesn't make sense. If it can be daily, why isn't it always daily?

Frankly, I suspect that some little minion of Amazon, somewhere, has to run the report manually each day, and sometimes he or she forgets for a couple of weeks. That's all I can think of. Because every other report - for Kindle Associates and Kindle Advantage, and DGT publishers - our reports are updated daily, and never miss a day!

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:Seaborn: Oceanography BlogStar Trek Report: Space SciencesVolcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure HuntersRush Limbaugh Report

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