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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Here's a blog that interviews Kindle authors


In preparing my blog entry yesterday about ways to advertise your Kindle book, I went to the Amazon message boards and found a thread begun by an author who has a Kindle blog where he interviews Kindle authors. Something I'd intended to do, but he beat me to it.

There's room for two or more such blogs, of course - there are a lot of authors out there - but I've decided the niche for The Kindle Publisher will focus only on writing skills and publishing do's and don'ts. Interviews with authors may remain the domain of others.

Here's how to get an interview. I take the liberty of posting a paragraph from his thread.

I'm a Kindle author myself and I've started a new blog. I'm looking to interview authors who have self-published on Kindle.

The interviews will be published on my blog with links back to your Kindle book on Amazon and to your author website.

If you're interested, please email me at David_Wisehart@hotmail.com (subject line: "Kindle Author") with a link to your Kindle book. I'll send you a short list of interview questions about your book and your experience as a Kindle author. Send me back your answers, and I'll post them to my blog, with links to your Kindle ebook.

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