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Monday, July 19, 2010

Blog Publishing: One Success, One Failure

A few days ago I started the Rush Limbaugh Report blog. As far as I can tell, it's been a success. I dont' trust the daily Blog info, which tells me I have 10 subscriptions after seven days or so, as I know that runs behind for some reason. But I'm keeping track of the numbers at its Amazon page and there's proof there that I'm getting subscriptions on a regular basis.

I won't know for absolute certainty just how successful it is until August 10th or so, when the report for July's blogs will come out.

But, I'm calling it a qualitative success.

Contrast that to my newest blog, which I'm about to pull the plug on, Barack Obama Day by Day. That has had no subscriptions.

So I'd be curious to know. Why are people looking up blogs featuring Rush Limbaugh, and subscribing to them, yet no one is interested in the doings of Obama? (There's a blog by an Obama supporter, Today With President Barack Obama, that does what I'd intended to do with my blog, and no one subscribes to it, either.....)

So are my Rush Limbaugh Report readers supporters of Limbaugh, or opponents of Limbaugh? The blog itself is pro-Limbaugh.

I won't find out until the middle of August, when I see how many people actually did subscribe, vs how many unsubscribed...

I so wish the Daily Report could be trusted to be accurate, it would help my decision making if I had real time data and didn't have to wait another 30 days to figure out if the Limbaugh Report really is the success I think it is...

But it's that anticipation and hope that keeps all bloggers going!

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