The monthly report for blog publishing is available on or about the 11th of the month.
The monthly report for digital book publishing is available on the 15th of every month.
I received my monthly blog report today, the one that told me how many subscriptios I had during the complete month of June, and how much I was going to get paid --around July 28 ---for the month of June.
And it was a bit of a shock.
In the sense that I now have it confirmed that the Kindle subscriptions shown on the daily Blog Report (that sometimes updates daily, sometimes every two weeks!) is at least two weeks behind the times.
Each of my blogs - the blogs I have that sell! - had over 50 more subscriptions by the end of June than is shown in that daily report.
So while I have one blog that now says I have 67 subscriptions, according to my report by the end of June that blog had 128 subscriptions. (100 of which were in the two weeks free period). And since there were only 2 "unsubscriptions" listed, I'm going to assume that now I actually have at least 128 paying subscriptions. And since this is a $1.99 blog, that makes $76 a month from them (for July, to be paid in August).
I'm still not sure, however, whether the numbers on the actual Amazon pages themselves are current, or also two weeks or more behind the times. In the past I have purchased a subscription for one of my blogs, and then unsubscribed (just to get it into the numbered realm rather than to leave it blank) and the number would appear after an hour or so, so I always assumed those numbers were "real time."
Whether they are or not, they do provide a bit of a guideline to see how active your blogs are.
I have several blogs, only 2 of which have respectable numbers of subscriptions. However, I enjoy writing the others - one on oceanography, one on space exploration - and so I will continue to do so even though they have only a couple of subscriptions each.
And that is the main thing about putting blogs up for subscription on Kindle. You must enjoy writing your blog anyway, and not look to get rich on Kindle - it's gravy if that happens.
But if you do start a blog, you must not get discouraged if there are no numbers on Amazon showing that people are subscribing. They will, if you give them time. But many's the time I've subscribed to a blog, to review in my Kindle Blog Report (one of my best selling blogs) to find that it hasn't been posted in for over a month. Sometimes the author has changed his blog URL and never bothered to update the blog feed.
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