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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blog Publishing: New Blog

A couple of days ago I started a new blog, which I called the Rush Limbaugh Report. My intent is to discuss each day's news, and compare that with what is covered on Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly.

Well, not each and every one every day...I'd love to do that but it would be way too time-consuming. (On the other hand if this blog takes off I may sub-contract out the writing of it - www.elance.com is a good place to go for that ).

In order to get a popular blog there are a few formulas. You need to talk about a popular subject - the New York Yankees will sell better than the Seattle Mariners, unfortunately (oh, my poor Mariners), controversy like Rush Limbaugh sells better than no controversy...like ...well, I can't think of a single Liberal radio host.... but then, I don't listen to liberal radio...

Anyway, so I am gambling that a blog that talks about political controversy, with Limbaugh as the focal point, will draw a lot of readers. Of course, I am pro-Limbaugh for the most part -- I believe in American exceptionalism, and the American way, and embracing immigrants but rejecting illegal immigrants, but I'm also an atheist, a feminist, pro-abortion, pro-gay right to marriage, an environmentalist of sorts...

So, we'll see how it goes.

But here's the thing. I put the blog up for subscription yesterday, and it was available to subscribers today. At 12.30 (EST), I purchased the first subscription. (I'll unsubscribe tomorrow. I just wanted to get the ball rolling as regards subscription numbers, so people who visit the blog will see that someone has subscribed!)

At 2.30 pm (EST), I've got my ranking. #21,545.

Now I'm pretty sure that's from just one subscription - I doubt if anyone else has subscribed to it in the last two hours.

So now the watching game begins. Will its rank go higher and higher, into the 100,000s which means no one else is subscribing, or will it go lower, which is what I'd really like to see.

But the point I'm making is, an initial ranking, even one as good as #21,545, means nothing. I'm assuming that perhaps on this particular day, 21,545 blog subscriptions have been purchased...and that's about all it means. Or does it mean, 21, 545 blogs in the three topic areas I chose - politics, arts and entertainment, and ...science.

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