Publish your ebooks on Kindle at Amazon's Digital Text Platform
Publish your blogs on Kindle at Kindle Publishing for Blogs

Friday, July 9, 2010

Clarification on the Goals of this Blog

This blog will discuss two of the three forms of publishing on Amazon currently available to the average person.

1. Publishing blogs
2. Publishing ebooks

(The third way is to publish print books and have them for sale on Amazon. The people who do this are Amazon Advantage members. A fourth way is to place advertisements for other people's books on your website. These are Amazon Associate members. I am an Amazon Associate, as well as an e-book publisher and a blog publisher.)

If you want to publish your blog - or as many of your blogs as you like - on Kindle, here is the URL to get started:


If you want to publish your own ebooks on Amazon for the Kindle, here's the URL you'll need:


From now on, at the top of each of my posts, I'll indicate if the post is intended for bloggers or ebook publishers... or both.

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