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Monday, January 9, 2012

Status Report for Jan 9, 2012

I'm about done with a book I've been working on... I hope it will be done tomorrow and when it is - and when it's actually for sale on Kindle and the Nook, I'll talk about it in more detail here.

Blogs? Much the same as usual. All of my blogs seem to have peaked and are now on a downward spiral. My Rush Limbaugh blog had about 480 subscribers 6 months ago...now I'm down to 420 subscribers with 30 of those new ones. Not good.

My weight loss blog is also a few old subscribers below .500... I peaked there at 130 about 6 months ago and haven't been able to get it back up there.

All my other blogs have about 10 subs or below - I finally gave up on a few blogs that had had only 2 subscribers for over a year. While I cherish those subscribers, I just don't have the time to blog for only two people.

Anyway, more later.

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