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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nook Seems to Have Some Uses

There are a few places to offer one's ebooks for sale. I use only Kindle and Nook. Smashwords is another one.

My Whose Body Annotated is available at both places. I get a handful of purchases from the Nook a month. But I get at least one purchase a day from Amazon. That's because Dorothy Sayers is a famous name, Whose Body is the first book she wrote, and so it comes up in the top 10 of any search results.

Not so all my other books. I've published a few other books on the Nook - my science fiction ones and my aviation ones, and they've not been bought. And on Amazon Kindle only a handful of these are bought a month...if that.

But now my Scrabble book...I dare to hope it's taken off.

And it's taken off on the Nook. Haven't sold a one on the Kindle (because in a search for Scrabble, it comes up on the third page of results), but I've sold 5 in 3 days on the Nook.

I'm thinking this is because there are not a lot of Scrabble books on the Nook, so when they do a search on Scrabble game...my book must be at the top of the queue.

So that's one way - the only way - to get your book noticed. Choose a topic where there's one very successful title, but no others, so that you can ride it's coat-tails.

I'd love for people to do a search on Caroline Miniscule (my fiction and aviation work) as a matter of course, or Eve Le Qinu for my scrabble stuff, but that time is not yet.

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