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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Difference Between Formatting for Nook and Kindle

Oh - my - god.

No one to blame but myself, of course.

For the Kindle, if you are uploading a word document, you use page breaks to, you know, have page breaks.

Fot the Nook, doing the page break is not good enough. The Nook parser does not recognize page breaks.

You have to go into BREAKS (on our work document) and choose NEW PAGE section.

I have to admit I had seen that my page breaks didn't work properly when I uploaded my Scrabble book to the Nook, but I thought it was just the previewer acting funny.

Then, today, I took a look at my Scrabble page on the Nook - my book had been selling so well - and there was a 1-star review. Of course the idiot who did the review did not write any text - just labeled it one star. Note to reviewers - if you dont like a book, say why, don't just give it one star with no explanation.

I took a look at that one star and had a sinking feeling... the contents of the book was good...obviously the formatting was off. And for a book that is a series of flash cards - a question on one page and the answer on another, the page breaks had to work.

So I took a look at formatting tips, and there saw what I should have seen several days ago - don't use page breaks, use Section New page.

How stupid is that?

Well, I've just got done replacing 2000 page breaks with 2000 Section New pages.

Reuploaded the book to the Nook, and now have to wait 3 days before it's on sale again. And at the same time pray that none of the other 15 people who bought this book in the last three days writes a bad review - otherwise I'm well and truly screwed with no one to blame but myself.

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