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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Find a niche for the Kindle

My Scrabble book continues to sell well on Nook - not at all on Kindle. That's because on the Nook, there is no competition - anyone doing a search on Scrabble finds 10 results. (And it's screwy. My book sells very well, but I'm still listed at #8 on search results. You'd think I'd be at #2.)

The Kindle has been around a lot longer than the Nook, and I don't think that there is any niche left for the Kindle that won't return four pages of results after a search. And of course any new book will be at the bottom of those search results.

But if you want to get into publishing books for the Kindle - that will be bought - that's what you have to do. Find a niche that, if someone searches for it, only has about 10 books on offer. This would be non-fiction books, not fiction books. Fiction writers are screwed on both Nook and Kindle, I'm afraid. In order to advertise those, you've got to have a website that draws lots of people.

Back to Non-fiction
*I just did a search on Wind Farms on the Kindle. That returned only 19 results. So if someone wanted to write a book on wind farms, it would be easily be found by searchers. Make it a good book with an eye catching title and cover, and bob's your uncle, as they say in England.

*There are 452 results for sharks, but only 42 for sea turtles.

* There are only 4 results for the Keystone Pipeline - and that's big in the news.

* No articles used about that Contra Cruise Ship that is off the coast of Giglio right now - write a quick book about that and it would probably sell well

* Indeed, any book/pamphlet on a current event would probably sell well

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