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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Nook Saga, part 2

Had a very good day yesterday, Nook-wise. 8 sales of my Scrabble book. Only problem is, I have no way of knowing if people are buying the old, improperly formatted book, or the new, correctly formatted book.

Both Amazon and Nook allow you the capability of replacing the content of your book - once published.

With Amazon, if you do it, the book is frozen for a while. It still shows up in searches, but no one can buy it until the new text replaces the old. This takes a couple of days.

With the Nook, that "freeze" didn't happen. I replaced the book around midnight, by noon the next day someone had bought it. Yet the message I'd received when I'd replaced the book said it would be 48-72 hours before it was available.

On sober second thought, I should have just unpublished the book completely, then republished it with the correct text. Then I'd know for sure that the book with the correct format was the one people were buying.

Since I own a Kindle, I'm able to check these things myself on Amazon. I don't own a Nook...

I guess the acid test will be when Volume 2 of the Scrabble book becomes available in a couple of days. If people buy both volumes in one day, then it'll be a safe bet that the formatting of volume 1 is correct.

Of course all this angst could have been avoided if I'd just read the Nook instructions to begin with...but who would have thought they'd have arranged things so that a Page Break command wasn't good enough? Who uses Section - Add New Page? Certainly not I!

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