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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The best laid plans...

I'd checked into a hotel early today, in order to get caught up on all my blog work including Kindle Publisher. But the room was the room from hell, except we didn't find out about it until after we'd brought in all our luggage, and my mom was too tired to want to move - even though I'd do all the heavy lifting.

So anyway, I can finally get on the internet now - 4 hours later - and I just don't have the energy to do any work today. (I won't even talk about the problems with the TV, the toilet, and the very loud refrigerator!)

Tomorrow, I will. Promise. (Assuming I get a hotel room with working internet first crack out of the box!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Book publishing on the Kindle

As I posted several weeks ago, I've been putting together the public domain schedules of the President, Vice President, and the Secs of Defense, State and Treasury, and publishing them for a mere 99 cents on the Kindle.

To date - no purchases.

Pretty disappointing.

But, that's the joy of publishing on the Kindle - at least I didn't have to print hundreds of pamphlets, at the cost of bookoo dollars, only to see them lay on the shelves for years and years.

I'll continue to compile these pamphlets throughout December. If I get no takers by then, I'll give it up for good.

I've got lots of other pamphlets/books in the idea hopper, but I won't have time to work on them until probably November, as I'm about to move cross-country, and that's turning out to be an incredible hassle, and I haven't even started the drive yet.


Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:Seaborn: Oceanography BlogStar Trek Report: Space SciencesVolcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure HuntersRush Limbaugh Report

Daily Blog Report for the Kindle

For the fourth straight day, the daily report that shows how many subs you have for each of your blogs, has been updated.

The time has changed - it used to be updated at about 11.30, now it seems to be at 1 to 2 pm. But regardless of the time, the fact that it is updated daily is the important thing.

And of course, that's what makes it so frustrating. (I know I harp on this.) We will get daily updates for a week, maybe two....then it will drop off the grid for a week or two or more. And it just doesn't make sense. If it can be daily, why isn't it always daily?

Frankly, I suspect that some little minion of Amazon, somewhere, has to run the report manually each day, and sometimes he or she forgets for a couple of weeks. That's all I can think of. Because every other report - for Kindle Associates and Kindle Advantage, and DGT publishers - our reports are updated daily, and never miss a day!

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:Seaborn: Oceanography BlogStar Trek Report: Space SciencesVolcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure HuntersRush Limbaugh Report

Monday, September 20, 2010

Book Publishing Update

I posted a few weeks or so ago that I had published my first two "pamphlets" for the Kindle - Your Government in Action July and Your Goverment in Action August.

Well, it's been 20 days, and no one has bought a single book!

Well, I'll be publishing schedules for Sept, Oct, Nov and December, and put them on a website and do a bit of marketing, but if I get no sales, I'll give it up in the new year.

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:
Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
Rush Limbaugh Report

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shock! Daily Report Updated!

For three days in a row now, the daily blog report has been updated. This after a period of at least 20 days, when it was not updated.

The time of the report's updating also seems to have changed. It used to be updated by 11 am eastern time... then it was more like 11.30 eastern time. For the last three days, it has updated at about 12:30 pm.

Of course, the time of the update is a moot point - it's that it is updated daily that is the important thing.

UK Blog Report
I emailed the help desk requesting that the UK subs and US subs be separated out. I don't know that this will ever happen, but it still seems so ridiculous to me that it doesn't happen. It's only common sense that we bloggers would want to know how many subs we have from each country. Especially since the UK pound is worth more than the American dollar, so we should see more money from them.

I am very interested to see my next "Remittance Advice" - or email that tells me money has been put into my checking account, and how much. I am hoping that the note that comes with that email will separate out the two sums of money, so we can get some idea that way.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Short-lived joy / News on blogs published in UK

One day after the "daily report" updated - for the first time in 30 days, it doesn't update again.

Certainly makes it tough for people to know whether a blog is worth continuing or not, or, even if the blog is worth continuing, whether a certain "campaing" or "story line" is worth continuing. Without prompt feedback it is very hard to know what to do!

UK Blogs
Our blogs are available for subscription on the UK Amazon site. And two of my blogs are doing relatively well over there.

But I don't know how many actual subscriptions I have, and apparently Amazon/Kindle doesn't think I need to know! I emailed their help desk directly to ask this question, and was told that there were no separate reports - that the numbers on my "daily" report reflected both American and UK subscriptions.

Moreoever, if I receive my payment by check - I'd be receiving two checks, one made out in dollars for US subs, and one made out in pounds for UK subs. (Okay, I suppose that would be a way of knowing how many subscriptions are actually from the UK, but it's ridiculous). More ridiculous is the fact that they can't send peope a check made out in pounds sterling - at least, they'd better not - because a person's bank would charge the person a fee for converting that money into dollars. Unless they want to use that as a ploy to force more people to use the direct deposit option (which is what I use, anyway.)

So, I guess I'll wait to pass judgement until I get my "remittance advice" for this month, and see if the payment there is separated out into dollars and pounds converted into dollars. The reason I find this annoying is that the pound is worth more than the dollar, so I should be making more money from British subs than American ones. Unless Amazon intends to skim off that extra money as a fee for converting pounds to dollars...

We shall see!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog "Daily Report" Finally Updated!!!!!


It's only been 21 days...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amazon's Kindle Blog Report Has Been Delivered

It's here about 5 days earlier than I expected. I doubled my income, which was nice, but it wasn't as much as I'd hoped for, so I'm still disappointed. Well, that's human nature.

The infuriating thing is that this report should not have come as a surprise. But it's been about 3 weeks - 21 days - since the daily Kindle blog report was updated.

Another irritating thing is that for at least a month, the UK has been offering our blogs - and yet we have not been told where to go to see our reports, or to find out how much we're earning. It's extremely irritating!

Can you tell I'm irritated?

As I've shared here before, I'm an Amazon Associate, and that report is updated daily. My Desktop Publishing report is also updated daily!!! So why is the Kindle Blog report not only not updated daily, but not updated for 3 bloody weeks!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Frustration just mounts and mounts

Well, the "daily" blog report has not been updated for 20 days now.

I am so.... well...angry is the only word to describe it!

I'm an Amazon associate. And my info there is updated on a daily basis.

And yet they can't update the Kindle purchases/unsubscriptions on a daily basis? That's ridiculous!

Yes, on one hand I shouldn't grumble. They dont need to offer this service at all, and I wouldn't be making any money if they didn't, since no one reads my blogs "on the outside", they only read them on the Kindle.

But having said that, it is ridiculous that you can't get a report updated in over 20 days!

People have complained about this on the Official Kindle boards, with no results to date.