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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Website for your books

I've posted about this before, but it can never be posted too often.

If you've written a book, you need a website to publicize it.

As the publisher of the webzine The Thunder Child (http://thethunderchild.com), first-time, self-published authors send me their books all the time for review.

They also include postcards with the book cover, or a bookmark with the book cover.

It may make sense to do the postcard thing. Then send them around to various sci fi conventions (or whatever genre the book is about) in the hopes that the cover image will catch someone's eye and cause them to buy the book... but bookmarks? Those I think serve no purpose.

But whether you do the postcards and/or bookmarks or not, one thing you absolutely must do is have a website for you book - with a sample chapter, and links to order it from Amazon, the Nook, or straight from you if its a print book.

Have a blog, too, in which you talk about the book or the subject surrounding the book - to attract readers for your blog who will then see and buy the book.

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