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Friday, May 27, 2011

Should You Launch Your New Book Over a Long Weekend?

My book, The Coldest Equations, became live at Kindle three days ago. (I'm still waiting for it to come live at the Nook - I'll be giving them until Tuesday and if it isn't live, I'll email 'em and ask what's the deal! - they may well have all their folks on vacation, too!)

Anyway, initially I was going to do one marketing thing a day, to judge how effective each website/resource was. But then I grew impatient, and started doing 2 or 3 a day. So now of course if I do get a sale, I won't know which particular piece of advertising did the deed.

I do have 3 sales so far. One I knew was going to happen, the other two, I don't know where they came from.

I've announced the book on all my blogs, and at the KindleBoards, and that's it.

I would have liked to have announced it on the Amazon message boards, but Amazon in their infinite wisdom has decided that indy publishers are the scum of the earth, and not only can we no longer post announcements of our books in various threads, we also can't even have a link to a book in our sig line! No "shameless self-promotion" they tell us - and that phrase alone has got me furious. Amazon pushes its print authors relentlessly - the best -sellers who dont' need such pushing, and who have publishers who have the bucks to pay for advertising, and they begrudge us a measly sig line link? Bastards!

Anyway - 3 book purchases yesterday, none today. I'm hoping its because everyone is out and about for Memorial Day long weekend. Guess I'll find out on Tuesday...

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