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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exploring the Nook

I had not been keeping track of Barnes& Nobles' Nook... now it turns out that they have the same kind of independent publishing program that Amazon does - except whereas Amazon gives you 70% as your top royalty, they only give you 65%. But, on a 99 cent book, they give you a 40% royalty, which is 10% better than what Amazon does.

Unfortunately, you are not allowed to price your book differently. I'd uploaded my Whose Body annotated to the Nook, and wanted to charge $1.99 instead of the 99 cents I'm charging on Amazon, just to see if people were willing to pay more for an annotated version. But after reading the TOS, I learned I couldn't do that. Prices had to be the same on any platform where the book was offered for sale.


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