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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog reports now available

Actually they've been available since last night.

It's kind of frustrating. I'll be receiving a relativley nice sum on the 29th (the day the payments are usually made), but that nice sum hasn't increased in 3 months - it's been the same each time.

Which means I'm not getting any new subscribers for my blogs...

And for one at least, I find that very difficult to believe. My Rush Limbaugh blog stays in the 4,000s every day. Occasionally it's gotten up as high as 12,000, meaning no one has subscribed to it for several hours, but within a couple more hours its down to 4,000.

Which means people are subscribing!

And while its perfectly possible that they subscribe, take a look at the blog and unsubscribe immediately, I find it difficult to believe that eveyrone does this. Yet the blog has been stuck on 470 subscribers (with 23 or so newbies) for over 3 months. So every new person who subscribes, immediately unsubscribes?

I just don't believe that.

But of course, there's no way to prove otherwise...

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
Rush Limbaugh Report

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