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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Neither a borrow nor a lender be

I wish that I could follow that advice, but Amazon Kindle does not allow me to do so. Last night, I uploaded my new book The Coldest Equations to Amazon.com. I'd intended to charge $3.99 for it. I think that's a fair price.

Prior to that, though, I had wanted to explore the permutations of the lending feature. So I posted a thread in the Amazon Kindle forums, asking people if they purchased books they'd been leant. Most of them did not.

So, I did not want my book to be made available for lending.

Unfortunately, I did not have that choice. If you price your book at $1.99 or more, it is automatically made lendable, you can't opt out of it.

This makes no sense to me. Amazon has got to be losing money on this too, and in any event, they have no right to make such a draconian decision. It should be my choice whether or not I want somebody to be able to lend my book, not Amazons!

In the thread, a lot of people were telling me they'd probably buy a book from an unknown quantity for 99 cents, no more than that. And I refuse to price my book that low, and get a measly 30 cents per copy. Not after the amount of work I've put into it.

So I've priced it at $2.99.

Of course, Amazon is working to hamper independent publishers still further. It used to be that you could go to any Kindle message group and put in a plug for your book, and failing that, you could at least put a link to your book in your sig line.

No longer - now that's not allowed. There's only 1 place in these message boards where you're allowed to announce your book. That's ridiculous.

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