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Thursday, September 22, 2011

How To Advertise Your Books - Website

Getting your book noticed is the hardest thing in the world for the independent publisher. Amazon has recently made it harder still - now if you dare to try to advertise your Kindle book on one of their message boards - set up for discussing books on Kindle! - you can be banned because you dared to indulge in "shameless self-promotion." You can't even put a link to your book in your signature.

So what can you do?

Well, I'll make a series of posts on that.

First one - you need a website.

It costs about $100 a year to have a domain and website. I use GoDaddy for my domains, and Yahoo's small business hosting.

These days, there's software that enables practically anybody to create their own professional looking website - and your website must look professional.

What should be on it.

The cover of the book.

A sample chapter.

A description.

Links to where to purchase it. Don't just have your book on the Kindle. Put it into Nook and Smashwords as well.

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