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Monday, August 20, 2012

Just what is spam?

I'm still seething about  yesterday, when a bunch of idiots on an Amazon.com message board got all bent out of shape because some poor schmuck tried to tell them about his book.

I wish I'd posted this at the time, and it's too late now because I won't go back to the thread, it would infuriate me all over again to read their drivel.

The Amazon Kindle message boards are for discussing books. BOOKS. Books.

An author who has written a book therefore, and creates a post on Amazon's message board to announce that book, is not spamming. He - or she - is posting about a book in a book related forum.

 If he was posting an ad for bras or hair restorer, in a book related forum, that would be spam, because  bras and hair restorer have nothing to do with books.

But a newly published book? Why yes, that has everything to do with books.

I don't know why these idiots on these message boards can't see that.

It's not like it's two people standing around having a conversation,and some other guy comes up to them and says hey, read my book.

On a message board, each post has a title. You run your eye over the titles, and you open those posts that look appealing. You see a post for a book, published by it's author? GASP! Don't want to read it? Well, geez, then don't open it.

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