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Monday, January 3, 2011

Will Amazon ever get its act together?

It used to be that you could kind of guauge the numbers on your blog's subscription page to see if you were getting any subscriptions. But it does not seem like that any longer.

A few days ago, the blog report didn't update for about 4 days. When it did update, one of my blogs all of a sudden had 10 more subscriptions than it had before, despite the fact that, on the subscription page, there was no movement of the numbers. I started several new blogs, and each of these doesn't show that I have any subscriptions at all. (It used to be, whenever the first person subscribed to your blog, you'd get a number around 12,000 as your ranking. This would gradually go up as no one else subscribed to your blog. But if people did, then the number would continue to go down.) So I've got 4 blogs, that according to my "daily" blog report, have a handful of subscriptons, but which show no numbers at all. So for whatever reasons, those subscription pages can no longer be used for anything.

Meantime, I got my payment for November blogs a couple of days ago...exactly half of what it should have been and I dn't mind saying I swore a few times. Still I know other people are in the same point (although some blogs, as old as mine, continue to cost $1.99, which really frosts me...)

Meantime, I think a lot of people must have gotten Kindles as Christmas presents, because one of my books has started selling. Only 3 copies so far in the last 2 days, but that's a heckuva lot better than nothing!

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Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
Rush Limbaugh Report

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