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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"This blog not available for sale"

I was very annoyed today, when I signed on at about 4 pm, to see that all my blogs were unavailable. I would have been very frightened as well, thinking Amazon had decided to end the Kindle blog program without bothering to tell anyone, except this had happened on June 8 at well.

(I know precisely when this happens because I'm a bit obsessive compulsive and I check the rankings of my blogs throughout the day. So if the system is down, I know about it, and this hadn't happened since June 8.)

No one at Amazon Blog Help ever answered my question, posted on June 8, as to why this had happened. I can only assume they are doing system wide maintainence and have to shut down the system for several hours.

Nevertheless it is extremely annoying, because of course that's 8 hours or so when no one is subscribing to my blogs!

Anyway, if you ever try to check the ranking of your blogs, and get a similar response, no need to panic.

Ranking of blogs
If you check your blog on an hourly basis, you'll find that its ranking changes, either up or down. It's hard to know how many blog subscriptions have been purchased, however my best estimate is that if someone subscribes to your blog, it will go down about 1,000 points.

Well...it really depends. If your ranking is 80,000 and 1 person subscribes, it will go down to 40,000. If another person subscribes, 20,000 or so, and if another does, 10,000. After that, when someone subscribes, it will drop on average only about a thousand points.

My post popular blog has been steady at varying between 3,000-6,000 for the last several months. So I think I must get 3 subscriptions a day. Another of my blogs goes from about 12,000 - 28,000. This one therefore, I think averages one subscription every couple of days.

How does this correlate with the number on your Blogs Report?

Well, when I first signed up and started creating blogs 3 months ago, I know - I know - that this report updated on a daily basis. But now, it only seens to update every two weeks. Very frustrating, especially when Amazon Affiliate updates daily. If they can do it (book sales) why can't blog sales also be daily? But for whatever reason, they're not.

However, I tell myself to not get too angry. I'm making money, and if Amazon didn't have this feature - I wouldn't be making any!

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