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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Importance of Titles on Amazon

Titles are all important.

The title itself
If you're not a well-established author, titles that are in-jokes are no good. For example, I could entitle a mystery blog, Le Cafe Singe Bleu, and that would make total sense to me, because I grew up in the decades when Charlie Chan movies were ubiquitous on TV, and lots of people would have seen Charlie Chan in Paris and known that Le Cafe Single Bleu was the name of the restaurant in the movie where we got to see a rather cool Apache dance, and then the murder of the female dancer.

But now that Charlie Chan movies can't be shown on TV anymore (thanks to a misplaced view of racism on the part of Asian activists, but that's a rant for another time), not enough people would get the reference.

How You Type it in Amazon
One of my other blogs is The Kindle Report, which is an example of a poor name, for a start. But then, I'd originally intended to review both books and blogs, and it was only after a week or so that I decided to focus only on blogs, and by then it was too late to change it.

But I just had to find a blog called BiblePlaces, and I typed in Bible Places in the search box on Amazon, and nothing came up. It was only when I actually typed BiblePlaces, without the space, that the blog appeared.

Most people I think separate the words when searching for a blog. So even though in your URL you have no spaces, when giving the title on Amazon - always provide spaces. In the keywords is the place to put the title all run together without spaces.

Tomorrow I'll discuss the importance of keywords.

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