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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sacred Poet Press

As the owner of this blog, I'll be covering all aspects of writing and publishing, from a general standpoint. I'll also talk about my own publishing company -- Sacred Poet Press. The name comes from an essay written by Isaac Asimov, in which he makes the point that what people actually do doesn't come down to us through history...it's what writers write about what they do that does. Everyone needs a "sacred poet" to tell their story.

To date I've published one book - not written by me.

And I have a list of 20 books that I intend to write and publish myself. They are non-fiction books, on subjects that interest me. I am in the process of researching the first one, and hope to have it ready to go within another week or so.

Unfortunately, like writing, it's easier to "have researched" then to actually "research". But the internet makes things so much easier for the researcher than they used to be.

In this blog, I'll be covering all aspects, including the growth of my own publishing company, Sacred Poet Press. I won't share the history of each of my books until they've actually been published, as I don't want anyone to get the jump on me in that regard!

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