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Thursday, April 19, 2012

A hard row to hoe

Haven't posted here for a while...apologies...

Still recovering from my Scrabble debacle...two months of great sales at B&N, followed by nothing, cuz a competitor went in and undercut my price.

So I'm kind of leary of posting my ideas for new books here...

Although the latest one I've published isn't selling either...

Ever seen those ads for VistaPrint on your computer - usually show up at Yahoo.com.

They had a sale on car door magnets - I got 4 of them. One for my Scrabble club, one for a website called Let Joy and Innocent Prevail, one for my Cheyenne website, and oe for my new book idea.

So, I received 'em yesterday, have to get my car washed and the magnets applied (they are the teeny kind, 1 foot wide rather than two feet) on each door, and then we'll see if anyone will notice.

Of course, I live in Cheyenne, population 50,000, so I'm not sure what to expect. If an idea is an interesting idea, 1 out of 400 people who see it will look into it. Because it's a car door magnet, that might drop down to 1 out 800 people, since folks write down things and then either lose them, lose interest in them, or just forget about them.

So, we'll see. Each website has a counter which tells me where a click comes from, so if I get any clicks from Cheyenne, I'll know the door magnets worked.

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