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Monday, March 19, 2012

Blogs are the Kindle's "red-headed stepchild"

It's been atleast a month since my "daily" blog report has been updated.

I've introduced a few new blogs and I'd sure like to know if they are getting any subscriptions.

It used to be, up until several months ago, that you'd know this within a couple of hours. As soon as one of my new blogs became active I'd subscribe to it - tocheck to make sure it was feeding properly - and within 2 hours that sale would show up on the Amazon page - via a ranking number.

For the last several months thouhgh, that hasn't happened. I'd subscribe, and nothing would show up for weeks on the Amazon page (though the "daily" report would have it.

I've asked about this on the Kindle Publisher's Support Forum - and received no answer.

Pretty damn irritating.

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