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Monday, March 19, 2012

Blogs are the Kindle's "red-headed stepchild"

It's been atleast a month since my "daily" blog report has been updated.

I've introduced a few new blogs and I'd sure like to know if they are getting any subscriptions.

It used to be, up until several months ago, that you'd know this within a couple of hours. As soon as one of my new blogs became active I'd subscribe to it - tocheck to make sure it was feeding properly - and within 2 hours that sale would show up on the Amazon page - via a ranking number.

For the last several months thouhgh, that hasn't happened. I'd subscribe, and nothing would show up for weeks on the Amazon page (though the "daily" report would have it.

I've asked about this on the Kindle Publisher's Support Forum - and received no answer.

Pretty damn irritating.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Back to blogs

Well, after two months of joy with my scrabble books, I'm back to despair. They are not selling on either Kindle or Nook, thanks to rival books that undercut my price.

So, I'm going back to concentrating on blogs.

There is such a thing as KDP - Kindle Select - if you publish your book exclusivey on the Kindle you can get it offered for free for a certain time - which would help with the advertising... but I haven't felt creative enough to start writing another book, and the two books that I have written (The Coldest Equations, under my pseudonym Caroline Miniscule) are offered at both the Nook and Kindle and even though I haven't sold one on the Nook, I still don't feel like taking it off.

Well, we'll see if I start feeling creative later on this summer.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

KDP Select

Amazon's Kindle has offered a new feature where, if you agree to offer your book exclusively for 90 days, you can offer it for free - for a period of six days - to get publicity.

If you've got books on both Amazon and Kindle, and they're not selling at all, give KDP Select a try.