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Monday, October 17, 2011

Has Amazon Finally Gotten Smart With Kindle Blog Prices?

I have a blog, The Kindle Blog Report, in which I review blogs available on the Kindle, as well as occassionally, just on the web.

Typically when you put a blog up for sale on the Kindle, it is priced at $1.99. Then, over a period of time the price is dropped down to .99 cents.

The rhyme or reason behind this stupid pricing policy has always escaped us bloggers (indeed, I still get angry each time I think how Amazon screwed me with my Rush Limbaugh blog. I had over 200 subscribers, at $1.99 per, and was getting new subscribers each day. But one day, about 6-8 months into it, I found that that blog had been decreased in price to 99 cents. I immediately emailed AMazon support and demanded the price on the blog be put back to where it belonged - no dice. "Amazon decides what to charge based on what we think is value to customers."

I didn't bother to pursue the matter - I am 99.9% sure that Amazon has outsourced its tech support to some country where the people are not native English speakers, so its hard to hold a dialog with them, but every time I get my monthly payment, cut in half from what it should be, I just burn.

But back to the point of this post. I reviewed a woman's blog - which was not on the Kindle. I suggested she put it on the Kindle and she did so. Not only had it gone live within about 12 hours or so, but it was already priced at 99 cents!

Subscribe to our other blogs on Kindle:
Seaborn: Oceanography Blog
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
Rush Limbaugh Report

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