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Monday, June 27, 2011

Hard to find good help these days

So popular is my annotated Whose Body (by Dorothy Sayers) on Kindle. that I had decided to do a CreateSpace edition.

I was only mildly chagrined to find out that someone else had done an annotated version - which is only available on Create Space. I dont' intend to buy it, but since it's pubication date is June 2011, and my annotated edition has been available on the Kindle since February, I know that if anyone was doing any copying, it was him copying me!

So I will be bringing the Create Space edition to life.

I didnt' have time to mess with it, so I advertised on Elance to find someone tro do it for me. I specified that they "must have" experience with Create Space. Well, I chose the cheapest possible bidder. I didn't bother to look at their portfolio - I'd made my requirement clear, I thought that would be enough.

So I sent the girl the file, a couple of hours later she sent it back to me. All she'd done was left justify it and add page numbers to the bottom.

I pointed out that I needed the file formatted to be published in a book - inner margins were needed of appropriate size, and there should be the author's name on every top left hand page and the name of the book on every right hand page.

I havne't yet looked at the new file she sent me...

But it's annoying.

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