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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pause Before You Publish

Up until about 5 days ago, I'd spent the last two weeks working on a Quiz Book - the College of Sci Fi Knowledge Quiz Book.

I finished it...as in finished writing it... and was so pleased at having done so that I immedately published it.

The book is full of illustrations, so when the book had uploaded I "previewed" it and immediately saw that it was not formatting properly.

But I didn't believe the evidence of my own eyes. I'd been so careful with the formatting - I'd thought. And the Preview wasn't really wiziwig...the published book would have much smaller text.

So I ignored the evidence of the Preview and published the book.

As soon as it became available for sale I purchased a copy. (You don't get royalties for this, by the way. They know!)

And to my horror the whole book was formatted wrong.

So I went into my word file and did some work on it - which I'll detail in my next post because it was such a pain - and in the pocess of fixing the formatting also noticed quite a few mistakes in the text and fixed those - and reuploaded it.

All this extra work would have been unneccessary if I'd just controlled my exciitement and enthusiasm and given the book a cooling off period of a couple days, then looked at it with fresh eyes to catch the typos.

I still might have made the mistake of uploading it even though the preview showwed the wrong formatting, though, but I've learned my lesson there and will deail that, as I say, in my next post.

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