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Friday, December 30, 2011

I've bitten the bullet

I've made my farewell post in 5 of my blogs - ones that had only 1 subscriber each.

I hated to do it. If someone subscribes to my blog I feel they deserve to be rewarded.

But I had to be realistic.

It takes about 15 minutes to write a blog post. That 15 minutes actually equals 30 minutes, because it's 15 minutes that I could be using writing some other blog post, and instead I have to find another 15 minutes to do that.

So any blog I had that has 2 subscribers or less, I shall officially remove from the Kindle on Jan 2.

I'm pretty damn annoyed with the Amazon/Kindle folks, actually. They are really hyping the new Kindle Fire... but guess what - you can't subscribe to blogs on the Kindle fire! How stupid is that?

I'm currently working on a new book - more on that later.