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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Indie Authors Get the Shaft Again

As you know, I've been writing a novella which I was going to offer for free on the Kindle, in an attept to publicize my book The Coldest Equations.

Well I finished it yesterday, and tried to offer iton the Kindle for free today.

Why would I want to offer it for free?

Because that was the only way an indie book gets any exposure whatsoever. We're not allowed to try to promote our books on the Kindle message boards any more. That would be shameless self-promotion.

So you offer a book forfree, putting "free science fiction book" and "best free science books" in as key words, and then there's a chance that someone will see it, and because it's free, look at it, like it, and then go on to spend a whole whopping $2.99 for your real book.

But it turns out Amazon doesn't let indie publishers do that. The least we can offer our books for is 99 cents.

Well, I published the damn novella anyway, for 99 cents, even thought my keywords, as above, had the word "free" in them. Even though my book description had the word "free" in it. Because I was just too damned pissed to change it.

Why do big publishers get to offer their books for free? Who fucking knows!